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Say Yes to Windsurfing!

Once you try it, you won't ever stop doing this amazing adventure! Windsurfing is the most exciting watersports activity that is great for children and adults.

What Our Customers Say

Mas opciones de compra de Forfait online

Novedad 22

Incremento de un 30% de sillas en “La Cascada” para reducir tiempo de espera

Novedad 21

Colocación de paravientos para acumulación de nieve

Novedad 20

Meet the Team

Imagine experiencing the best adrenaline-rush sport activities while getting tonned & tanned!

We promote our sport center as the best way to get positive emotions with multiple health benefits. It is good for your heart, bones and spirit!

Our Menu

Margherita Pizza $18

Made with fresh marinara sauce, mozzarella cheese, and basil.

Appetizers on Skewer $9

Made with fried chicken or salmon, combined with sour-sweet sauce.

Healthy Sandwich $6

Made with gluten-free toast bread, avocado, basil, and sour cream.

Farmers Burger $10

Made with beef patty, bacon, onions, grilled cheese, pickles and fries.

Chicken Burger $12

Made with chicken breast meet, delicious bakon, eggs and fries.

Spicy Buffalo Burger $14

Made with 2 beef pattys, cheese, onions, salad and fries.

Vegetarian Burger $11

Made with tofu, falafel patty, lots of green basil and sweet sauce.

Chocolate Brownie $5

Made with handmade chocolate, hazelnuts and berries.


VALDEZCARAY. Estación de esquí y montaña de La Rioja

Plaza de la Constitución, 1|26280 Ezcaray|La Rioja

Tel. Oficina Ezcaray: 941 427 172

Tel. Oficinas Valdezcaray: 941 422 000

HORARIO: de 8:45 a 17 horas

Esquí EspañaGobierno de La Rioja